
PyPi page | GitHub page

discordwebhook.py is a Python Library for easily using discord webhooks in python

It is a lightweight, sync and async ready wrapper for Discord API Webhooks.

Main features:

  • Modern
  • Asynchronous and synchronous support
  • In-built embed support - no need for another package such as discord.py
  • Full coverage of the webhook API. Read, Modify, Delete and Execute webhooks (and delete/edit/fetch messages)
  • Easy to use, fully documented
  • Rate limit handling



pip install discordwebhook.py

Or download it from the PyPi page


import discordwebhook

API Reference


Parameters Methods
url : Optional[str] .send_sync


url : Optional[str] = None - An optional URL to overwrite the Webhook object

Webhook object

All synchronous and async webhook usage functions are in this class

.fetch_data_sync(url = None)


url : Optional[str] = None - An optional URL to overwrite the Webhook object

Returns discordwebhook.Webhook and updates current Webhook object

await .fetch_data_async(url = None)


url : Optional[str] = None - An optional URL to overwrite the Webhook object

Returns discordwebhook.Webhook and updates current Webhook object

.send_sync(content = None, url = None, username = None, avatar_url = None, is_tts = False, embed = None, embeds = None, allowed_mentions = allowedmentions.AllowedMentions(), file = None, files = [])


content : Optional[str] = None - The content to add to the message

url : Optional[str] = None - The url to send the message to. Overwrites Webhook.url if url already exists

username : Optional[str] = None - Username to overwrite the webhook name

avatar_url : Optional[str] = None - The avatar url to overwrite the icon

is_tts : Optional[bool] = False - Whether the message sends with TTS enabled

embed : Optional[discordwebhook.Embed] - Singular embed to add to the message

embeds : Optional[List[discordwebhook.Embed]] - Optional list of embeds

allowed_mentions : Optional[discordwebhook.AllowedMentions] - The allowed mentions for the message

file : Optional[discordwebhook.File] = None - A single file to add to a message

files : Optional[List[discordwebhook.File]] = [] - A list of files to attach

Synchronously send a message to the webhook.

Throws error if no url is provided (through the class or method)

Returns discordwebhook.WebhookMessage

await .send_async(content = None, url = None, username = None, avatar_url = None, is_tts = False, embed = None, embeds = None, allowed_mentions = allowedmentions.AllowedMentions(), file = None, files = [])


content : Optional[str] = None - The content to add to the message

url : Optional[str] = None - The url to send the message to. Overwrites Webhook.url if url already exists

username : Optional[str] = None - Username to overwrite the webhook name

avatar_url : Optional[str] = None - The avatar url to overwrite the icon

is_tts : Optional[bool] = False - Whether the message sends with TTS enabled

embed : Optional[discordwebhook.Embed] - Singular embed to add to the message

embeds : Optional[List[discordwebhook.Embed]] - Optional list of embeds

allowed_mentions : Optional[discordwebhook.AllowedMentions] - The allowed mentions for the message

file : Optional[discordwebhook.File] = None - A single file to add to a message

files : Optional[List[discordwebhook.File]] = [] - A list of files to attach

Aynchronously send a message to the webhook.

Throws error if no url is provided (through the class or method)

Returns discordwebhook.WebhookMessage

.modify_sync(name, channel_id)


name : str - The updated name for the Webhook

channel_id : int - The channel ID to move the webhook to.

Synchronously modify the name and channel of the webhook

Returns discordwebhook.Webhook and updates current Webhook object

await .modify_async(name, channel_id)


name : str - The updated name for the Webhook

channel_id : int - The channel ID to move the webhook to.

Asynchronously modify the name and channel of the webhook

Returns discordwebhook.Webhook and updates current Webhook object


Synchronously delete the webhook

await .delete_async()

Asynchronously delete the webhook



message_id : int - The message ID to fetch information for

Synchronously get message data from an ID

Returns discordwebhook.WebhookMessage

await .fetch_message_async(message_id)


message_id : int - The message ID to fetch information for

Asynchronously get message data from an ID

Returns discordwebhook.WebhookMessage


Parameters Methods
webhook : discordwebhook.Webhook .delete_sync
data : dict .delete_async


webhook : discordwebhook.Webhook - The webhook this message belongs to

data : dict - The raw message data

WebhookMessage object

Returned from Webhook.fetch_message and Webhook.send


Deletes the message synchronously

await .delete_async()

Deletes the message asynchronously

.edit_sync(content = None, embed = None, embeds = None, allowed_mentions = discordwebhook.AllowedMentions(), file = None, files = [])


content : Optional[str] = None - The content to update the message with

embed : Optional[discordwebhook.Embed] = None - Single embed for the message

embeds : Optional[List[discordwebhook.Embed]] = None - An array of embeds

allowed_mentions : Optional[discordwebhook.AllowedMentions] = discordwebhook.AllowedMentions() - The mentions that will work with the message

file : Optional[discordwebhook.File] = None - A single file to add to a message

files : Optional[List[discordwebhook.File]] = [] - A list of files to attach

Synchronously edit the message

Returns discordwebhook.WebhookMessage

await .edit_async(content = None, embed = None, embeds = None, allowed_mentions = discordwebhook.AllowedMentions(), file = None, files = [])


content : Optional[str] = None - The content to update the message with

embed : Optional[discordwebhook.Embed] = None - Single embed for the message

embeds : Optional[List[discordwebhook.Embed]] = None - An array of embeds

allowed_mentions : Optional[discordwebhook.AllowedMentions] = discordwebhook.AllowedMentions() - The mentions that will work with the message

file : Optional[discordwebhook.File] = None - A single file to add to a message

files : Optional[List[discordwebhook.File]] = [] - A list of files to attach

Asynchronously edit the message

Returns discordwebhook.WebhookMessage


Parameters Methods
path : str .open
fp : File .close
name : str  


path : str - The file path to the file

fp : File - The file data of the file. Use instead of path

name : str - Custom name for the file. Required if using fp


Open the file from the path or fp


Close the file if it has been opened


Parameters Methods
title : Optional[str] .set_footer
description : Optional[str] .set_image
timestamp : Optional[datetime.datetime] .set_video
color .set_thumbnail


title : Optional[str] = None - Add a title to the embed

description : Optional[str] = None - Add a description to the embed

timestamp : Optional[datetime.datetime] = None - Add a timestamp to the embed footer

color = None - Set embed color

Embed object

Create embeds in the exact same way as discord.py with this class


text : str - Set footer text. Required argument

icon_url : Optional[str] = None - Set footer icon url. Not required

proxy_icon_url : Optional[str] = None - Proxy icon url. Not required

.set_image(url, proxy_url = None, height = None, width = None)

Add an image to the embed


url : str - Set footer text. Required argument

proxy_url : Optional[str] = None - Proxy image url. Not required

height : Optional[int] = None - Custom image height. Not required

width : Optional[int] = None - Custom image width. Not required

.set_video(url, proxy_url = None, height = None, width = None)

Add a video to the embed


url : str - Set footer text. Required argument

proxy_url : Optional[str] = None - Proxy image url. Not required

height : Optional[int] = None - Custom image height. Not required

width : Optional[int] = None - Custom image width. Not required

.set_thumbnail(url, proxy_url = None, height = None, width = None)

Set embed thumbnail


url : str - Set footer text. Required argument

proxy_url : Optional[str] = None - Proxy image url. Not required

height : Optional[int] = None - Custom image height. Not required

width : Optional[int] = None - Custom image width. Not required

.set_author(name, url = None, icon_url = None, proxy_icon_url = None)

Set the embed footer


name : str - Set footer text. Required argument

url : Optional[str] = None - User URL. Not required

icon_url : Optional[str] = None - Set footer icon url. Not required

proxy_icon_url : Optional[str] = None - Proxy icon url. Not required

.add_field(name, value, inline = True)

Add a field to the embed. Same as discord.py


name : str - Field name.

value : str - Value of the embed field. Goes under the name

inline : Optional[bool] = True - Whether the field is inline. Defaults True


Multiple different examples

Synchronous (Basic) Example

import discordwebhook

# Create the webhook. Parameter url="webhook_url" can be added here instead of in method .sendSync()
webhook = discordwebhook.Webhook(

# OPTIONAL - Get webhook username and avatar (sends request to discord)
webhook_data = webhook.fetch_data_sync()

# Add embed with title "Embed title", same as discord.py
embed = discordwebhook.Embed(
    title="Embed title",

# Add a field to the embed, exactly the same as discord.py
embed.add_field(name="Field title", value="Exact same as discord.py, however can be used synchronously", inline=False)

# Post webhook to URL synchronously
    f"This webhook's original username was **{webhook_data.username}**", # Webhook message content
    username="Coolo2", # Overwrite webhook username, can also be defined when class is initialized
    embed=embed # Embeds can also be set with embeds=[embed]

Asynchronous Example

import discordwebhook

async def doWebhook():

    # Create the webhook. Parameter url="webhook_url" can be added here instead of in method .sendSync()
    webhook = discordwebhook.Webhook(

    # OPTIONAL - Get webhook username and avatar (sends request to discord)
    webhook_data = await webhook.fetch_data_async()

    # Add embed with title "Embed title", same as discord.py
    embed = discordwebhook.Embed(
        title="Embed title",

    # Add a field to the embed, exactly the same as discord.py
    embed.add_field(name="Field title", value="Exact same as discord.py, however can be used synchronously", inline=False)

    # Post webhook to URL synchronously
    await webhook.send_async(
        f"This webhook's original username was **{webhook_data.username}**", # Webhook message content
        username="Coolo2", # Overwrite webhook username, can also be defined when class is initialized
        embed=embed # Embeds can also be set with embeds=[embed]

Fetch example

import discordwebhook

webhook = discordwebhook.Webhook(

# Can be used synchronously and asynchronously with fetch_data_async. Returns current Webhook class




More examples can be found at the GitHub page Examples folder .

Version History

1.1.2- 6th August 2022

  • Fix editing message embeds

1.1.0 - 5th Feb 2022

  • Added discordwebhook.File - Attach a file to a webhook
  • Added Webhook.modify - Modify a webhook
  • Added Webhook.delete - Delete a webhook
  • Added discordwebhook.WebhookMessage
  • This allows messages to be edited and deleted. See documentation

1.0.2 - 30th January 2022

  • Fixed bugs with 1.0.1

1.0.1 - 30th January 2022

  • Rewritten the whole library. Too many changes to show, see documentation.

0.1.2 - 29th July 2020

  • Added ability to set username and avatar_url in Webhook().send() with alias author

0.1.1 - 29th July 2020

  • Fix version number issues with 0.1.0

0.1.0 - 29th July 2020

  • Fixed asyncCreate not returning any values
  • Added error handling for invalid token in fetching webhooks
  • Added error handling for no provided url
  • Added ability for setting webhook link prior to sending it, adding a link to the create.Webhook object
  • Added alias discordwebhook.use for discordwebhook.create and discordwebhook.asyncUse for discordwebhook.asyncCreate
  • Many changes to documentation and other things

0.0.8 - 28th July 2020

  • Fixed fatal error which occured with all embeds after 0.0.7

0.0.7 - 28th July 2020

  • Added discordwebhook.discordwebhook
  • discordwebhook.fetch.Webhook() now supports a Webhook() object instead of just string
  • Changed discordwebhook.discordwebhook.version.recent to current with alias recent
  • When using webhooks set information is stored in variables and can be accessed later by using (webhook).(setData), for example webhook.message
  • Added message and tts kwarg to .send to allow for one line webhook sends
  • Added kwargs to embed creation to create an experience identical to discord.py
  • Added docstrings at the top of files
  • Started error handling for embeds, checks on send to keep projects working

0.0.6 - 28th July 2020

  • Fixed fatal errors with 0.0.5

0.0.5 - 28th July 2020

  • Changed embed class so embed.embed can be replaced with just embed - simplifying sends
  • Aditions and fixes to documentation
  • Documentation addition to PyPi page

0.0.4 - 28th July 2020

  • Added mention permissions (if mentions will work)
  • Reorganised some functions
  • Created documentation - Not listed on PyPi page

0.0.3 - 28th July 2020

  • Fixed fatal bugs with the previous release with asyncio

0.0.2 - 28th July 2020

  • Moved to a different name
  • Fixed bugs with original release

0.0.1 - 28th July 2020

  • Original release on another name
  • Added main features such as Webhook post and creation
  • Added embeds
  • Added asynchronous and synchronous functions